Safeguarding underpins everything that TTE does, and we take our responsibilities seriously. Full safeguarding policies are in place for all our activities.
Safeguarding is not only a vital part of TTE’s work with young people, but staff training is a statutory requirement for schools and many other organisations, involving mandatory annual Designated Statutory Lead (DSL) training.
Safe4Schools is our partner organisation, providing safeguarding training dedicated to supporting you in meeting your statutory training requirements, and improving outcomes for children.
The full-service training covers general safeguarding training, designated lead training and specialist courses covering specific safeguarding topics.
Their unique approach helps schools to embed best practice across their organisation, whilst making use of existing PSHE platforms. It enables all staff to be trained to the required standard, reducing the need to release individual staff for training – making it cost-effective and sustainable.
Their high-quality, evidence-based training is developed and delivered by industry experts from Police, Local Authority, Health and Education agencies, and includes extensive resources, documentation and guidance, as well as providing evidence of the importance your school places on safeguarding.