TTE works with any organisations concerned with emotional health and wellbeing, to deliver our award-winning programmes, training or consultancy services.

TTE was commissioned to design and develop a screening tool for their Mind and Body programme, a life skills early intervention for young people at risk of self-harm. The screening tool is currently being used by three local authorities in the UK. In partnership with the University of Bath, TTE compiled the initial evaluation of the Mind and Body programme. Read more.

CYPHP is a partnership of organisations from Lambeth and Southwark, led by Guys and St Thomas Trust, which aims to improve health outcomes for children and young people across the boroughs. TTE was commissioned to design, develop and deliver an emotional health and resilience programme for all primary and secondary schools in Lambeth and Southwark. Read about the Head-First programme.

CXK are a leading provider of careers guidance, emotional health services and services for NEET young people. We work with CXK to provide substance misuse training for staff working directly with children and young people.

Mentor ADEPIS is a resource for all professionals, focused on drug and alcohol education. In partnership with PSHE solutions, TTE conducted a research project focused on the impact of the Mentor ADEPIS Service, using online surveys and qualitative research to consult thousands of professionals across the UK. Read more about our survey services.