In-Formed and In-Formed Plus
In-Formed is an innovative programme for secondary schools, focusing on helping young people to understand and address risk-taking behaviour.
It covers a wide variety of risk-taking attitudes and behaviours affecting young people’s lives, including:
- alcohol
- drugs
- consent
- internet safety
- gender empowerment
Our programme differs from others as it focuses on why people engage in behaviours, the influence of others and the life-skills needed to make positive choices rather than simply assuming that providing more information equals more chance that young people will make better life choices.
It helps young people to build life skills and effectively navigate and manage adolescence.
The programme is support by anonymous data collected in schools, which allows us to challenge and change young people’s perceptions of common risk behaviours such as drinking and smoking.
In-FormedPlus provides a portal for professionals, giving access to over 30 lesson plans covering topics ideal for PSHE lessons, along with constantly updated resources including videos, news articles and official reports.
In-FormedPlus also offers:
- unique whole school surveys which provide a school Risk-Profile; a snapshot of the risk behaviours your young people are engaging in.
- advice and resources to enable you to run your own social norms campaigns, challenging and changing the perceptions of your young people.
- training for your staff on adolescent brain development and how to deliver effective needs led PSHE sessions.
- PSHE awareness sessions for parents, to get them involved with your school’s PSHE.